Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

Written by by Warren Coe, Executive Director, Village Schools of the Bible.


Difficulty Understanding the Bible

I came to know Jesus Christ when I was twenty-two years old.  I recognized the importance of the Bible, but found it nearly incomprehensible.  The Bible was like a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces in the box and no picture on the lid.  How did Job connect with Romans, or the book Genesis with the book of Revelation?  Does the Bible have a central message, and how does the Bible impact my life?

Each day I religiously read my Bible.  I would derive some benefit from the Bible but felt that something was missing — like understanding the historical context, identification of the writer, how the passage was connected to the rest of the Bible, and the right way to apply Scripture to my life.  Don’t get me wrong — the Bible satisfied my spiritual hunger — but I knew there was more to be gained from my Bible reading.

I would have given anything for a Village Schools of the Bible in San Jose, California.  Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey would have put the Bible pieces together for me.

Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey

Our Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey is a 32-week discipleship journey.  We spend 16 weeks in the Old Testament and 16 weeks in the New Testament.  We read the Scripture from 12,000 feet.  We identify the Mt. Everest peaks of God’s unfolding plan of redemption from Genesis to Revelation.  In 32 weeks, each individual discovers the following truths:

  • The Unity of the Bible.
  • The Centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Yes, even in the Old Testament!)
  • The Messianic Promises — or what we call the Scarlet Thread of Redemption.

Student’s Responses

Our students say the same thing.  “Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey transformed my life.”  A student from Berean Baptist Church wrote, “I was truly blessed to be in class on Sunday night. You were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit as you were describing the incredible holiness and love of our heavenly Father shown in Jesus Christ when you were outlining the chapters of Romans. Your passion for the gospel is evident, and it is a blessing to be under your teaching.”

Ron wrote that Village Schools of the Bible is “where I set my roots deep in Christ.”  Deb wrote, “Just want to let you know that these classes are life-changing.  I’m so glad God made it possible to put this program together!”  Another student wrote the following reflections after taking Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey.  “I have always been a believer, but the depth of my understanding was limited.  I have tried multiple times to read the Bible, but as most people know, it is a very difficult task to accomplish on your own.  In the Cover-to-Cover course, I was guided through a journey in scripture which helped me grasp the breadth and depth of God’s love.   It has given me context and guidance for future learning, but most importantly, a deeper understanding of the incredible gift of God’s salvation.”

You are invited

We are launching a new season of discipleship at Village Schools of the Bible.  This January, we are offering Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey classes around the Twin Cities, as well as in Rochester, Minnesota and Des Moines, Iowa.

We also offer Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey online.  You can gain this important discipleship experience anywhere in the world whether you are using a PC or Apple computer, or any mobile device.

Next Steps

Step 1: Learn more about Cover-to-Cover Bible Survey on our web site.

Step 2: Register online here.

Step 3: Eagerly join the journey through God’s Word, whether you are learning in a classroom or online.

God’s Blessing in your reading and application of God’s Word!


Executive Director of Village Schools of the Bible.

Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

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