Behold, A Virgin will be with Child

Christmas angel“Behold, a Virgin Will Be With Child”–Isaiah 7:14

By Warren Coe

When my wife, Marlys told me she was pregnant with our first child, we were thrilled.  For the next nine months I felt her stomach as our child was moving inside her womb.  Then on January 21, 1983 Megan came into the world in Peru, Illinois and everything changed in our home.

When God promised a savior for Adam’s helpless race, he chose the womb of a virgin.  Isn’t it curious how many times a pregnancy is used in bringing about God’s redemptive purposes in human history.  To Eve, God promised a son who would crush the serpent (Genesis 3:15) or Sarah, who was beyond child-bearing years, was promised Isaac (Genesis 18).  The Bible says Hannah tried but could not have children until God “remembered her.”  (1 Samuel 1:19).  Elizabeth and Zachariah were old and childless when God, through an angel, promised John the Baptist (Luke 1:13).  Here are pivotal moments in God’s unfolding plan of redemption when the Lord used a woman and her womb to change everything.

Since the birth of Jesus Christ nothing has been the same.  Death and hopelessness has been conquered.  Because of Jesus Christ sinful humanity can be made righteous, given a new nature, and live for eternity.  The fractured, chaotic mess we call the human race is being and one day will be replaced with the community of the Redeemed–all who trust in Jesus Christ.  From the womb of Mary has come a Savior and everything has changed.

A Blessed Christmas from Village Schools of the Bible!

Behold, A Virgin will be with Child

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