Elisabeth Elliot is with Jesus Today

I just got the news that missionary and noted author, Elisabeth Elliot has died today (June 15, 2015).  Her husband, Jim, was martyred for the cause of Christ over 50 years ago. As a widow and young mother, Elisabeth continued to serve the people who killed her husband.  As a thinker and writer, she helped many to deeply understand the call of God upon their lives.

In Today’s Christian Woman magazine (2013), Jan Wismer, wrote: “Elisabeth believed in asking this foundational question: Is this God’s will for me, right now, in this place? … Unapologetically, Elisabeth espoused such truths as: give to get, lose to find, and die to live. Setting her sights “on things above” (Colossians 3:1), Elisabeth ministered among three indigenous groups in Ecuador before helping listeners and readers find joy in the ordinary affairs of life—like cooking meals and cleaning toilets—on her globally syndicated radio program. She called it living sacramentally, and her rock-solid principles shaped my life.”

At a personal level, there are three important women of influence in my life: my mother, my wife and Elisabeth Elliot.

Thank you, Lord for giving Mrs. Elliot to the body of Christ on earth.

Elisabeth Elliot is with Jesus Today

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